About Us

After 25 years in the restaurant business, Founder & Baker Tracy Gribbon understands the importance of clean healthy food. Beginning with a process as old as time itself, Georgia Sourdough Co. crackers are all made using the same starter that has been used from day one. Handmade from scratch the crackers are rolled, baked and sliced into crackers each shaped as unique as the next.
Our Story
My Passion For Healthy Eating Starts With Family
I have long been inspired by my grandmother's cooking. Her generation grew up eating simpler foods. A lot has changed since then. We now feed a world population that has grown significantly and there are plenty of challenges to making food easily available to everyone. Consolidation in the food industry has lead us to a place where the synthesis of flavor and freshness is marketed at the expense of local food production and natural ingredients.

During a summer trip to the market with my niece I started paying attention to the ingredient list on some of her snack crackers. Next to some basic ingredients was a long list of strange and hard to pronounce words that included fillers, sugars, and stabilizers. I freaked out! When I tried preaching the evils of GMOs and conventionally farmed foods to my sister Melissa, she looked glassy eyed and bored. I think she even let out an exasperated sigh. Good gravy, I thought, why is this not incensing her? So I asked her and she said “I just want to be able to go into the grocery store and buy things and not have to think about every ingredient. I just need to believe it’s safe- I don’t have time for anything else.” And a light went off for me. Of course she was right. No one should have to go into the grocery store and consult 4 different apps while scrutinizing the back of one label. I had fully adapted to this practice- so I was a bit blind to the absurdity of it. But my practical sister opened my eyes.
Yes, sweet Melissa, our fellow Americans should be able to walk into their local grocery store and purchase an item of food- and know it is safe. So, that is what I have set out to do. I am creating a company that makes healthy modern day snacks from ancient practices and organic ingredients. In this, we are creating a sustainable ecosystem in our world where children are healthier and less stuffed full of chemicals, organic farmers can grow and prosper, and someday us adults can walk into a grocery store and choose items with abandon- knowing that all is safe. First stop-crackers next stop-infinity!
Tracy Gribbon
Founder & Baker
Georgia Sourdough Co.

What Makes Sourdough Unique
The Sourdough Process begins with a starter. The much loved starter can live over 100 years and provides all the yeast a leavened product needs. These yeast are alive and prodigious and share their space with some good bacteria called lactobacilli. Together these cohorts create a teeny tiny ecosystem within the starter. When you make any recipe with the starter- and give it time to rest, rise & ferment- and make magic. During this time your gluten is resting- but your cohorts are busy eating the sugars in the starch and tenderizing the tight gluten strands. The results are...
1. carbon dioxide that gives you rise,
2. a partially digested gluten product that your body can easily digest and assimilate nutrients from,
3. that delicious slightly sour sourdough flavor courtesy of lactic acid.
Thanks little buddies- for all you do to make our snacks delicious!

Taste The Difference
Georgia Sourdough Co. uses natural and organic ingredients made locally by family farmers. Every ingredient is carefully evaluated for quality and freshness with each batch. Using the same process as bakers have used for thousands of years, the ingredients are blended by hand creating the unique dough that makes these crackers special.
We combine these ingredients with a passion for healthy snacking to create exceptional sourdough crackers. Made fresh without the use of unnecessary stabilizers or preservatives found in the industrial produced crackers Georgia Sourdough Co. crackers are a flavorful reminder that great taste and healthy eating can coexist. They are the perfect companion for cheese ranging from kid friendly cheddar to foodie favorites including gorgonzola dolce or taleggio. Experience the unmistakably unique flavor and rustic texture of sourdough with each bite.